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Hotel Room in Puli
Front Section (Foreground): A U-shaped kitchen is positioned at the front of the room, with countertops and a sink visible. The kitchen setup occupies a significant portion of the front area. Middle Section: There is a seating area with a sofa and a small round table placed in the middle of the room. This area is designed for relaxation or casual conversation. Back Section (Background): A low, long TV cabinet stretches along the wall to the right, directly across from the seating area. A wall-mounted TV is above the cabinet. Behind the seating area, two doors likely lead to other parts of the suite, such as a bedroom or bathroom. 這張照片展示了一間位於台灣埔里的飯店房間,設計融入了夏天、海邊和巴里島的元素,並採用現代藍色風格。房間內配有時尚的家具和自然木質裝飾,並加入藍色的裝飾元素。床上鋪有藍白色床上用品和裝飾枕頭,房間內擺放著新鮮的熱帶花卉和植物。牆上有細緻的海灘和巴里島主題藝術品,並設有一個舒適的休息區,窗外可見熱帶海灘景色。整體氛圍充滿活力且吸引人,完美捕捉了海邊巴里島夏天的精髓。